Hello all, this is Amira, your friendly webmaster and wanna-be dressagey rider!
As you know, I listen to podcasts a lot. One of my favorite programs is the Dressage Radio Show on the Horse Radio Network.
I recently listened to an excellent podcast about Dressage Test Fashion (for the first half) and introducing young horses to the show ring (second half).
Highlights from the fashion segment
Talks about what clothing/equipment to invest in first. Turns out, good boots not only look good, but they significantly improve a rider’s leg. If you use piping on your coat or jacket, consider how it may emphasize the wrong things! For example, a vertical white stripe down the back is virtually guaranteed to point out any crookedness.
Also tips for riding with a tie (pin that sucker down!) and riding with a coat. Trends toward bling versus no bling on the horses. Color choices… did you know that black is not traditional? How does this all look to the judges?
Highlights from the young horse segment
First off, I think this is applicable to my horse (even though he is 11), and other horses in the barn! It really is about introducing horses to scary situations gradually, and the long-term problems of over-facing them (pushing them into and through something they cannot handle yet). Describes how to evaluate a show ground from the horses perspective, what is easier versus harder, and the young horse brain.
You should listen to it too! You can play the podcast here:
HRN Podcast link to DressageRadioEpisode455